Sunday: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Nursery: On Sunday, a Child Care Provider is present for Mass.


Sunday: 10:30 AM  Praying of the Rosary - after the Mass each. Sunday.


Tuesday: 6:45 PM to 7:30 PM - The Catholic Women of The Chapel (CWOC) and the Rosary Group meet on Tuesdays to pray the Rosary. Bring your intentions and join in prayer.

​​Catholic Community Council Meeting - Will be held on the Second Sunday of the month at 11:00  after CCD. ​​The Catholic Community Council makes decisions as to the spiritual quality of the overall Catholic Community that includes all areas of pastoral ministry.

School Hours

Sunday: 10:45 AM to 11:45 PM Confraternity of Christian Doctrine ( CCD) - Preschool to High School

Weekend Mass

Sunday: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM English

 All Rights Reserved : Fort Detrick Holy Family Catholic Community
Dear Volunteers: Thank You for your service to the Fort Detrick Holy Family Catholic Community this year. Without you there would be no Mass at Fort Detrick. For those that have no access to this new schedules here there will be printed copies at the entrance of the chapel. You can set this also up to receive notifications when the schedules changes. See The Ministry Schedules Coordinator for copies of the ministers list in case you need to make changes.  We are truly blessed to have several priests to serve our community. Please support them by fulfilling your obligations to your ministry. We are always in need of volunteers so encourage others to volunteer and join the ministries. Thanks for your dedication and selfless service.
Fort Detrick Holy Family Catholic Community
May The Holy Family Bless You Always!